Rahman Apalara* shares his story in this episode.

Rahman Apalara in his wig and gown
Source: Rahman Apalara

“There is no need to be afraid.” – I remember feeling very anxious about NLS, in fact, I was so overwhelmed on the morning of resumption that I cried. Thinking of it now, the fear/anxiety was so unnecessary. I am glad that I was able to get over my anxieties as this allowed me to have am unforgettable law school experience.

“Be disciplined” – my “academic indiscipline” cost me a lot of good grades in the university. I wasn’t going to make the same mistake in NLS. Law school tests your discipline. Its important that you have a daily routine planned. You have to be diligent and focused from start to finish.

“Maximize the externship period” – I had already formed my notes for all the topics before returning to Lagos for externship. I started reading actively during the externship period and I was able to cover most of the curriculum before resuming for third term. Some people say that “anything you don’t know by the end of externship, you won’t know at all” – LOL, this is untrue. The race for good grades does not end until you write your bar final. Fun fact, I learnt 90% of my drafts after externship.

“Trust your process” – Nobody knows you better than you. Work out a plan, stay committed to it and trust your process. (Cliche advice I know). It is important that you find your rhythm and then stick to it. Read up on people’s experiences and draw up a plan for yourself using their experience. Shout out to this platform, I have read ALL the testimonies on this blog. You should also check out (I particularly recommend you read his Seventh Heaven Series and Apocalypse Tv on youtube for tips on acing your bar finals.

“Practice past questions” – this is beneficial for a number of reasons. It helps you to retain information on what you have read. You also understand how questions are set and how you are expected to answer them. Do not just answer the questions in your head, ATTEMPT to answer them and then grade yourself using the marking scheme. This helped me a great deal. I was able to approach each exam with a certain level of confidence.

“Live your life” – NLS is a phase and it will pass. I don’t see any benefit to “killing yourself for a first class”. Have fun. Rest. Sleep. I have so many fun memories from NLS. I had a tribe of about 15 friends (Shout out to Apocalpyse X) with whom whom i regularly hung out with. We travelled to Niger State to visit Gurara Falls. We went all out in our traditional attires to see Black Panther. We visited Usman Dam to chill and take pictures. We regularly spent Sunday nights at Lovitoz. I re-watched all seven seasons of the Good Wife during the school term. (I had a friend who watched 13 seasons of Greys Anatomy during the session and she made a great grade). The important thing is to find a balance. Believe me, you won’t fail bar finals just because you watched one or two hours of TV. Ensure you also rest/sleep adequately. Imagine falling sick/being exhausted during the exams – tragic!

“A happy ending is not guaranteed” – It is possible to do all of these things and more and still not get your desired grade. Do not allow your spirit to be broken. (I know its easier said than done.) Restrategise, make a new plan and still pursue your goals for after law school. “Life after Law School” – Do not wait till the end of NLS before you start making plans for what is next. NYSC is the next stage for most people. If you intend to serve in a law firm, send your applications in on time. There are a lot of online resources to help you out with this. My personal favourite is Legally Engaged.


Rahman can be reached at


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