Name: Alice Pamilerin Adeyi

With the benefit of hindsight, if you had to talk to yourself when you were resuming at the Nigerian Law School last year, what would you have told yourself?

I will tell myself that it is okay not to have a perfect reading schedule like everyone else so long as I meet my reading quota and I am prepared for the bar finals.

I will tell myself that it is okay to relax and do something fun outside the Law School curriculum, as long as I don’t forget my main goal.

I will tell myself that I may not always have control of the situation, there might be ill health, long tiring hours of lecture, not so perfect externship posting, not so comfortable hostel facilities, but all these won’t last forever.

I will tell myself not to shy away from participating actively in class, so long as I do it with a sense of humility.

I will discipline myself to read before each lecture and go through each day’s lesson, even if I don’t feel like it.

I will make myself understand that it is better to take as much notes in class and fill up the spaces
afterwards; than to make my notes after each lecture, because time is gold.

I will remind myself that it is easy to make a First Class in Law School with the right mindset, discipline and total trust in God.

Finally, I will tell myself that God keeps His promises, all I have to do is believe and never forget them.


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